Friday, November 26, 2010

Auction Day!

Today is Nov. 27th…tomorrow will be Nov. 27th. We cross the international dateline tonight and even though we gain a day, we’ll still be losing sleep…yay! 

Today we have our shipboard auction.  Basically, it gives people the chance to bid on items and give back to the shipboard community.  Items donated range from magnets to houses in Mexico.  I am involved in the auction by helping be a spotter in the actual auction as well as being there during the silent auction to answer questions and keep an eye on things.  It’s amazing to see the number of items that were donated and will be really excited to see how much money we are able to raise for the drive.

It’s also crunch time on the ship, classes are ending and finals are coming up.  Everyone is working on papers and projects and getting things organized and figuring out how the hell we’re going to get the stuff we’ve bought home.  It’s hard to believe that we’re all going to be home so soon. I’m excited to go home but also a little apprehensive.  It’s going to be weird not having the feeling that you’re always walking up or down hill because of the movement of the waves.  Running up the stairs and going to grab the railing but missing because you took an extra step or two the other direction because a wave made you misstep…I think I might miss that a little bit. Not to mention having to time going up and down stairs so you don’t either face plant or end up feeling like you’re climbing a mountain.  

We have about 6 days until Hawaii, 4 days in Hawaii and then 6 and a half days until San Diego. I can’t believe it’s all coming to an end so quickly! However, I am excited to keep up all the connections that I have made and to visit people.  Hawaii will also be a fun port because of everything that people are planning.  The first day I am planning on going skydiving which should be exciting and scary as hell. We get to go tandem; well we have to go tandem which is a bit of a relief. 

It’s going to be odd going to Hawaii because it’s not an international port. It was odd to think that after Japan we wouldn’t be going to another international port.  Going to Hawaii will be fun, there are a lot of people on the ship that have already been there, and I’ll be hanging out with a mixture of them. Some people that have and others that haven’t.  I’m excited about the people I’ll be spending my time with, especially because it is my last port and I want to be able to spend some time with them before I go home.  It’s going to be odd going to a tropical island after having fall in Japan and winter in China.  It will be nice to have one final warm spell before going back to winter, although I can’t wait to go skiing! We watched Warren Miller’s Wintervention Movie which is a documentary about skiing and boarding in different parts of the world. It was even cooler because one of the girls on the ship is in the movie and she goes skiing in Alaska and New Zealand, and has gone all over the world.  It was cool to sit and talk with her about what she’s done and what she has coming up.  I am looking forward to seeing snow and the movie got me super pumped up.  It’s going to be nice to experience seasons since we’ve basically had just summer for the past few months with the exception of 6 days of winter in China and 4 of fall in Japan. 

Now, it’s time to write papers and eat lunch and work at the auction and classes…o yay!!!

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