Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Sea's 366 Moments

So this is something that I have been planning on doing for a while. I have created a new blog called Sea's 366 Moments (seas366moments.blogspot.com). I have yet to really do anything with it, although I have been planning on doing it since probably mid-Spring. Alas, I let life get in the way and this new project get a way from me. This will be day one. I will be posting every day for the next year. Some of them may be short, some long. We'll all have to wait and see where it goes because even I am not sure.

Let me explain the name, Sea's the Moments was my Semester at Sea blog that I kept during the duration of Semester at Sea. Granted, I did not blog as often as other did, but I also did not want to blog every day and take away from the moments that really struck a chord. Because Sea's the Moments is so important to me, I wanted to incorporate that into the new blog. There are 365 days in a year...generally. 2012 is, however, a leap year...366 days. Sea's 366 Moments...the birth of my new blog.

It is my hope that I will be able to take this blog and watch it grow and mature in a sense. It will cover the end of my summer going in to my senior year of college. My entire senior year of college, and the summer following, and who knows, I may keep it going.

I am excited for this to begin and I hope you are too.

And as always, "the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Well Lao Tzu, here's my first step.